Sunday, January 9, 2011

Interactions with GOYAns today :)

First of all, let me say that I finished the first tape of the 1979 Spiritual Renewal Conference, listening to Fr. Stanley Harakas' lecture last night and finishing it this morning. I also listened to the first part of Fr. Stylianopoulos's lecture this morning, on my way to pick up my Yiayia and take her to church. Fr. Harakas' was about the ζέστης πίστεος, or the "fire of faith," as he translated it (a phrase from the Divine Liturgy). He also said that there are nine "altar calls" at every Divine Liturgy, where we are called to commit our lives to Christ ...maybe we have heard it so many times we have become deaf... "Let us commend ourselves, and each other, and all our life, unto Christ our God." Wow I wanna go back and listen to that again haha it was awesome :)

Today after church I was talking with some of the Aliquippa GOYAns who said that I was a pimp, and I was obviously "getting all the ladies," partying, and "living it up." I replied by saying that yeah, we have the best parties...we feast on the Body and Blood of Christ every week! :) I also said that I hope I'm "getting" the Panagia and the other (holy) ladies to pray for me, because I definitely need it!

One of them had some pretty celebrity Gomez girl that I had never heard of as his background on his cell phone. He said isn't she attractive? I was like, yeah but why do you need her as your background?? I said put something else on, like... and then in desperation, after not being able to think of anything, I said "me!" He was like, ooooh good idea!! and he said "smile!" and took a pic of me with his phone, so now I am his background instead of Miss Gomez...I guess that's a good thing?? :)

PLN time? Possibly...

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