Monday, January 31, 2011

speech from the end of my OLSH career

This post is dedicated to all the people from OLSH (my high school ... who follow my blog, although they can't say they are OLSH people because they might get expelled...long story that I don't want to get into. Anyway, this was my speech to the OLSH community on the senior retreat day at the end of the 2009-10 school year. I found the paper cleaning out my room and decided to finally type it up. Many people have asked to see it, so here it is. (My permission is granted to print it out and give it to as many people as you think would appreciate it, although please don't stick it to all the stairwell doors...that would be a bit excessive.)

It seems like yesterday that my dad and I hurried off to Youthtowne after church. I played in a football game and was very confused because there was a Truskowski on each team. I grew to be able to tell them apart, and one of them was in my geometry class sophomore year - the best math class in my 12 [now 12.5] years of school, by far! It was me, Shronda, Ron, Justin, Meaghan, Caitlin, Steve, Cody, Andy and Marissa.

And then there was my high five spree. I'd high five just about everyone in sight. I still do sometimes. :)

I know I get on people's nerves sometimes, with my "stories and odd scenarios" to quote Sara J., and my weird questions in Gov class, and comments about frog STDs. For all of these I'd like to ask your forgiveness.

And to all you underclassmen, know that we seniors need your prayers next year. We're gonna be faced with a lot, and the more prayers the better. On the flip side, know that I pray for OLSH every day, although it's almost impossible to mention everyone by name.

There have been ups and downs, but overall my time at OLSH has been great.While I am definitely excited to leave Pittsburgh and go to Boston for college, I know there will be times that I'll look back fondly and wish I was back here, or log into facebook, hoping to find an OLSH friend to I.M.

Take care of yourselves, and pray for us.

1 comment:

  1. the m they have a big family...with lots of girls?
