Today I went into Pittsburgh to meet with His Eminence, Metropolitan MAXIMOS, my bishop, for him to sign a paper for me, and give me advice, since I am switching to "seminarian" status at school this semester, which I need a bishop's blessing to do. One of the things he told me in our conversation was (paraphrased), "it doesn't matter what your station is in life, it matters if you use it to serve God." I thought that was great!
He also told me about his time in Belgium, I believe, and then in Rome, where he was one of the Orthodox attendees of Vatican II, and then his first meeting with Bishop (I forget the name) who was the first Greek Orthodox bishop of Pittsburgh (whose picture is on the wall of the Metropolis living room, where his omophorion is crooked), and Maximos asking this guy how he liked it in Pittsburgh, and talked with him. Then Archbishop IAKOVOS came to Rome and said "I want you in America." And Max said "Talk to Patriarch DIMITRIOS." Then Iakovos put him at seminary where he taught for 14 years, and then brought him to Pittsburgh. "Why Pittsburgh?" "I need you there!" "OK." He told me, do the best you can to represent me, and to represent the Metropolis of Pittsburgh. I love him!!! He also told me that he was very fond of Mother Alexandra (the foundress of Ellwood City, who is partly responsible for my existence...long story), she was a very good spiritual mother to him, and he went to her funeral (he didn't like going on hot days in the summer, though, because there was no air conditioning).
I love Metro Max!
Έις πολλά ετι Δέσποτα!!!
(Many years, O Master)
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