We had some more snow days recently, so we didn't have class Tuesday and Wednesday. Wednesday morning we had Liturgy for the Presentation of Christ into the Temple. It was moved to 8:00, rather than the usual weekday Liturgy time of 6:15, because there was no reason to do it that early. I was happy! :)
Also, because there was no class, there was no reason to rush in any way. The chanters took their time (the chanting was amazing!) and also actually (surprisingly) did the First and Third odes of the Matins canon, which is usually cut entirely. Liturgy started at 9:30 and finished at 11:14. They dragged it out but that was ok with me! I absolutely loved it. Father D was the celebrant and it was absolutely amazing.
What crowned the whole thing for me was that I subbed in the altar for the German Texan who was not feeling well. During Orthros I got to watch most of the Proskomide (preparation of the Gifts), and I was also on "lookout" duty, which entailed me standing next to the Altar, and cueing the south door sentinel when to open the door for the deacon or altar boys when they came into the Altar. I was right next to the Altar the ENTIRE Liturgy and it was AMAZING! I was talking about it later, to the M. family and Allah said "you saw everything!" I said "yup!" Then I thought about it and told her, "no, I didn't see everything... I didn't see the Holy Spirit come down, or the angels. I know they were there but I didn't see them." What a blessing/grace it would be...to see the angels. One thing I do know: I was a few feet away from the Gifts when Father called down the Holy Spirit, so....
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